Retirement Security Matters: January 27, 2022

Greetings! Welcome to Retirement Security Matters

a forum for retirement readiness innovation by states, supporters, and service providers

Baby it’s COLD outside! And you have been on zoom waaaay too long already this year. Grab yourself a mocha a take a little break. We’ll make you smarter while you do: 

Hello Friends❤️Happy Late January! -- is the year already speeding up for you? We see lots of innovative ideas floating around and people taking action. Way to go. Grab that coffee and catch your breath for a moment:  

Read the full newsletter

Lisa A. Massena, CFA

I consult to states, organizations and associations focused on retirement savings innovation that expands access, increases savers, and drives higher levels of savings.

Team Building


Retirement-linked emergency savings - does it work?