
Working for the Oregon State Treasurer, Lisa led the successful launch of the OregonSaves retirement program as its Executive Director. The Auto IRA program was the first of its kind to be implemented in the nation and is now recognized as the model for state retirement programs. OregonSaves enjoys wide public support, with more than 80% of survey respondents in a statewide poll voicing approval of the program. More importantly, it has helped tens of thousands of Oregonians save millions of dollars for retirement and continues to grow every day.

As Executive Director, Lisa oversaw the program’s design, working with the Oregon Retirement Savings Board to incorporate innovative ideas and best practices to ensure that the program would be simple, easy to use, cost-effective, and impactful. She then oversaw its successful launch, implementing the program on time and on budget, 24 months after the passing of the enabling legislation. 

From the start, Lisa has worked with other states, partners, and experts in the field to develop best practices and share experiences. She has engaged with more than 35 states, getting a first-hand understanding of their current position and challenges. She has worked both in state government and for private providers, giving her a unique insider’s understanding of what it really takes to operate these programs. She has been in the engine room, working with administrators as they provide day-to-day services and tackle a stream of new challenges and opportunities, for programs like CalSavers and Illinois Secure Choice.

Prior to establishing Massena Associates, Lisa served on the Government Savings team at Ascensus, the nation’s largest independent record keeper, and led Investment Analytics servicing for State Street Bank. Early in her career, Lisa co-founded a fee-based investment consulting firm serving defined contribution and defined benefit plans, foundations and endowments, and family office clients. Among other awards, the firm was recognized for its excellent participant education programs.


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