Things Heard in Rooms: Charting the Course Towards a Secure Retirement / Wrapping the Spring Conference Season

As the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills rooms and a chorus of chairs squeak and shuffle to find their places, discussions on retirement savings spring to life. Gathered in these rooms are a diverse set of minds - private sector innovators, state officials, Treasury officers, legislators, policy makers - each prepared to offer their piece to the puzzle that is the future of retirement security in the United States.

Let's pull up a chair, grab a steaming mug of joe, and dive into the discussions that are shaping tomorrow’s retirement landscape. But before we venture further, a fair warning: you might find your preconceived notions of retirement turning on their heads. And that’s okay, because, as we’re about to find out, change isn't just coming – it's already here.

First on our list: the Retirement Savings Crisis. As the silver wave continues to crest across the country, states are finding themselves grappling with an unprecedented demographic shift. By 2030, it's projected that one in five Americans will be retirement age, and an increasing number of households will have to navigate the challenges of maintaining their quality of life post-retirement.

These aren't just numbers on a graph, but real people, with real needs. Their lives are being affected by inequalities in retirement plan access, participation, and savings. For many, the gilded vision of retirement as a period of relaxation and leisure is being replaced by financial insecurity and rising healthcare costs. From everyday expenses to unexpected long-term care costs, today’s retirees are feeling the squeeze.

In these rooms, we heard about barriers that employers face in offering retirement plans. Small businesses, in particular, can find the process daunting, with many unable to absorb the high administrative costs or navigate the complex regulatory landscape. And when employers can't offer retirement plans, it's the employees who bear the brunt.

Sounds grim? That's where you might be wrong. Because, contrary to what these challenges might suggest, these rooms aren't filled with doom and gloom. Rather, they're buzzing with energy, optimism, and innovation. And while we grapple with the realities of today's retirement landscape, the industry is propelling itself towards a future of opportunity and inclusion.

In the midst of all the lively debate and thoughtful contemplation, what we're seeing is clear evidence of success. Progressive policies and innovative solutions are proving that these new ideas can, and indeed are, working. Take a closer look at the pioneering state auto IRA programs like OregonSaves, Illinois Secure Choice, and CalSavers – joined over the last 12 months by MyCTSavings (Connecticut), Maryland$aves, Colorado Secure Savings, Virginia Retirepath, and eight other states with authorizing legislation making their way through the launch process.. These trailblazing initiatives have created new avenues for workers to save for retirement, circumventing traditional obstacles and breaking down barriers for employers.

We know what the challenges are; the early experience of meaningful improvement is equally real. The discussion rooms are testament to this - full of dynamic dialogue, enlightening ideas, and a shared passion for better retirement savings inclusion. As we look to the future, one thing is clear: the landscape of retirement security is changing, shaped by the conversations happening right now, in these very rooms. And trust us, it's a future worth staying tuned for.

So, grab another cup of coffee, pull your chair in a little closer, and join the conversation. Because when it comes to the future of retirement security, we're all in this together, and the things being heard in these rooms? They're reshaping the retirement of tomorrow. And that's something worth listening to.

As our steamy mugs are refilled, and the buzz of conversation hums in the background, let's delve deeper into the nitty-gritty. In recent years, policy and market innovation have taken center stage. Their target? A staggering 57 million American workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings. They're not aiming for small changes, either. We're talking seismic shifts in the retirement savings landscape, and they're aiming to drive that 57 million figure down to zero.

Let’s (just) do it.

This piece was featured in the June 29, 2023, edition of Retirement Security Matters. For more fresh thinking on retirement savings innovation, check out the newsletter here

Lisa A. Massena, CFA

I consult to states, organizations and associations focused on retirement savings innovation that expands access, increases savers, and drives higher levels of savings.

Retirement Security Matters: June 29, 2023


Retirement Security Matters: June 15, 2023